Did you know that it is national code that you can not build an exterior deck out of wood that is not pressure treated. If you tried to build a deck on your home out of Pine, Hemlock, or Oak that is not pressure treated, your inspection officer will make you tear it down. The only exceptions to that national code is CEDAR, Cypress and Redwood. Cypress is a great wood, however very hard to work with. It has to be worked with when it is still wet and green because when it dries it is so hard that you can't penetrate it with a nail. This means that it will shrink significantly. Redwood is a fantastic wood for exterior construction, but is very costly.
So, when you are considering a Log Home, why would you build an entire home out of a wood that you aren't even allowed to build a deck out of? To get started on your Dream Cedar Log Home contact NORTH AMERICAN WHOLESALE CEDAR LOG HOMES at 1-866-933-5647 or visit us at http://www.nawclh.com/